At a glance

  • Main station 900m
  • Excellent location
  • Very nice environment
  • Stylish old building w/o lift
  • No smoking, no pets
  • 1 to 4 bedroom/apartment
  • WLAN + Tel.
  • Free public parking
  • Coffee & tea
  • Iron, hairdryer
  • Fitted kitchen, dishwasher
  • TV on request
  • Breakfast for 5,50 EUR
  • Bicycle Rental
  • Laundry service
  • Cleaning service
  • Reception service
  • Secretarial & Office service

At a glance

  • Main station 900m
  • Excellent location
  • Very nice environment
  • Stylish old building w/o lift
  • No smoking, no pets
  • 1 to 4 bedroom/apartment
  • WLAN + Tel.
  • Free public parking
  • Coffee & tea
  • Iron, hairdryer
  • Fitted kitchen, dishwasher
  • TV on request
  • Breakfast for 5,50 EUR
  • Bicycle Rental
  • Laundry service
  • Cleaning service
  • Reception service
  • Secretarial & Office service
Apart Inn Mannheim - Description of way


Hotels & Apartments

ApartInn GmbH
Waldparkstr. 30
D-68163 Mannheim

Dr. Harald Schäfer
Waldparkstr. 30
D-68163 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 / 621 / 833 23 - 200
Fax: +49 / 621 / 833 23 - 290

Tax identification number

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