At a glance
Management Institute
Dr Schäfer & Partner
Consulting, Training, Coaching
Founded in 1991
Dr. Burkhard Schäfer
Dr. Harald Schäfer
Advisory board
Prof. Dr. Willy Hofmann
Prof. Dr. Michael Eßig
Division Consulting
Michael Mösch
Tel. 0621/ 833 23-410
Division Training
Dipl.-Hdl. Dirk Flessing
Tel. 0621/ 833 23-420
Division Coaching
Coaching uses various techniques of intervention of which many are taken from psychotherapy, for example from behavior therapy, transaction analysis, from the solution-focused short-time therapy, the provocative therapy and the neurolinguistic programming. In practice, techniques like those above are mostly applied together. A clear, methodical boundary does not exist.
What all basic approaches have in common, is the focus on goal-orientation, activation of resources, the enhancement of perception and the choices of action for the client.
The coach gives specific feedback, but avoids direct intervention (advice, guidelines) which is more common for consulting and other forms of consultation. Coaching is normally limited to few sessions, but is often used extra occupationally over longer periods of time.
The basis of the process is a coaching contract which denotes goals and dura-tion of the coaching. Preconditions for a successful coaching process are for the coach confidentiality and for the client voluntariness and self-responsibility.