At a glance
Management Institute
Dr Schäfer & Partner
Consulting, Training, Coaching
Founded in 1991
Dr. Burkhard Schäfer
Dr. Harald Schäfer
Advisory board
Prof. Dr. Willy Hofmann
Prof. Dr. Michael Eßig
Division Consulting
Michael Mösch
Tel. 0621/ 833 23-410
Division Training
Dipl.-Hdl. Dirk Flessing
Tel. 0621/ 833 23-420
Division Coaching
Nowadays, the success of an enterprise very much depends on the quality of training and on the motivation of its employers and employees. In order to hold its ground on the market, excellent know-how resulting in first class accomplishments is needed. Certain expertise today through technological process is out-paced by tomorrow.
Survival in the knowledge based information society of today requires continuing revision and updating of knowledge content. Through that, the efficient utilization of modern information- and communication instruments - like your controlling of the illustrated and transported expertise becomes a strategic success factor.
Furthermore, the success is dependent on the readiness to carry responsibility. But only somebody who in addition to his specialist qualities has a personality and social competence can meet the responsibilities required.
Thus, a spectrum of demands is created which has to be supported strongly.
That is why the demand for instruction and guidance in case of transition and modernization processes is immense.
With the usage of individually adapted, continuing education, where the person is at the center, his or her individual skills and potentials can be detected and supported. For this to happen, companies require the external assistance of professional, competent and experienced instructors and trainers. They demand high, professional competence and usefully structured teaching content which are specifically aligned according to the needs of the trainee. Calculably quality of continuing education, that generates trust, is honored with long term contact.